Monday, March 15, 2010

More friends tying that knot

Another friend is engaged. That's three close friends in the past three months who have decided to take that leap - and made it official. I've been the mental equivalent of a five-year-old who sticks her fingers in her ears and stamps her foot, yelling "Stoppit stoppit stoppit!" but it may be time to change my tune. Maybe I should take this as a clue: we're no longer 'too young' or 'not old enough'.

There is more to this. I don't have the time, nor do I have the energy, to think and organize and write about it just now. But there is more to this than just another diamond on another friend's finger.

1 comment:

Lauren E. said...

to me, the "we're not too young" thing is the scariest part. it's weird that it's not weird anymore.