Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Tortoise Boy

Our gaze met from across the room. It was embarrassingly obvious that I kept looking back at him. My mind was reeling. Perhaps it was his tortoiseshell glasses, his impeccable style. His face was familiar. It seemed as if we’d met, yet I knew we never had. This type of cosmic attraction is so rare for me, it was instant. Our words later on were few and rather witty. I’ve been thinking about him.

I don’t believe in crushes or make believe infatuations that are built upon imaginary information. Yet, I can’t stop wondering about him. Our second encounter came with a Facebook friend request... This only proved to exasperate my feelings. How did he find me? I was soo flattered. However, our communication seemed to end with that. After all, he doesn’t live in NYC and the words we shared could not exactly be considered a conversation.

A couple weeks ago, I had challenged a friend to make effort with a man she had been admiring from afar. Swiftly after, she challenged me to reach out to Tortoise Boy. I took her up on this challenge even though it was against my better (or rather prideful) judgment. I ended up sending him a quipy fb message referring to one of the comments he made during our incredibly brief encounter. I kept it short and sweet and didn’t hear back from him for some time.

Until today... I opened my e-mail and saw that I had an fb message from none other than TORTOISE BOY! My heart leapt. He replied with kind and tender greetings, commenting on my note and innocently informing me that he will be moving to the city! Hallelujah! Although, this tidbit of information made my heart soar, I am doing my darnedest to manage my expectations and to control my active imagination. This type of response to a man is so rare for me... I finally feel like I might be a real girl after all!

Who knows if anything will come after the response I sent, or the move he is making to the city... but at least there is someone who met my gaze and lit a fire within me. That much I am thankful for. There is hope for me yet!

1 comment:

Lauren E. said...

SWOON! Please keep us posted. :)