Monday, May 11, 2009

Dear Old Friend...

There was a time that you loved me well. You knew what I needed on the worst of days. You knew how to calm my ferocious attitude; you knew how to make me smile.. And you did. We were kids together. We discovered the world together and philosophized under the stars when we were just learning what the world was all about. You would come to me with your moral dilemmas and I would seek your advice on everything. I’d call and ask how to make sauce. You would tell me how even though you’d never made it before. You were brilliant in every way and just knew how to do things. We possessed a beautiful mutual respect and admiration. How long have you been without someone to love you? We are three thousand miles apart. Perhaps we are meant to be friends. Perhaps we will venture on learning life together, but apart.


Lauren E. said...

if it's possible to be elated and heartbroken at the same time, that is what this just did to me. brilliant.

JRenee said...

Oh good. Thanks Lauren-E.